Cenchrus agrimonioides

Trin. (1826)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Monocots Order: Poales Family: Poaceae Genus: Cenchrus

kāmanomano [kamanomano], kūmanomano [kumanomano]



Key Characters:

Growth Form: Perennial herbs.

Stems: Culms robust, 30–200 cm tall, swollen at nodes, internodes short, scabrous below panicle.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Alternate. Blades flat or folded, 20–40 cm long, 5–25 mm wide. Upper surfaces scabrous; lower surfaces glabrous, midrib prominent. Margins entire. Veins parallel. Sheaths compressed keeled, much longer than internodes, glabrous; ligule membranous, fimbriate, 1–1.2 mm long. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers in inflorescence composed of racemes 5–10 cm long, the axis densely puberulent. burs cylindrical to lanceoloid, somewhat reflexed at maturity, fusiform, 8–18 mm long, bur receptacle narrow in lower part, expanding above, 3–4 mm long, densely pubescent, outer series of bristles numerous, somewhat spreading, 2–3 mm long, retrorsely scabrous, the larger ones tomentulose at base, body of bur cleft ⅓–1⁄2 its length, lobes erect, appressed, forming an irregular beak, densely tomentose near middle, apex retrorsely scabrous; spikelets 1 per bur; glumes unequal, scaberulous, first glume 2–3 mm long, 5–7–nerved, awn–tipped; sterile lemma 5–6 mm long, scaberulous, 5–7–nerved, awn–tipped; sterile palea indistinctly 3–nerved, slightly shorter than lemma, scaberulous on margins and keel near apex; fertile lemma 5–6 mm long, indistinctly 5–nerved, apex acute; fertile palea 4–5 mm long, membranous, scaberulous at base, apex acute. Stamens 3. Ovary superior.

Fruit: Caryopsis ovoid; ca. 2.6 mm long; ca. 1 mm in diameter.


Habitat: Occurring on sand and on dry rocky slopes and ridges in partial shade.

Elevation Range: 0–760 m.

Historical Distribution


Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Mokupāpapa (Kure atoll) Endemic
Kuaihelani (Midway Atoll) Endemic
Kaua'i Only found in cultivation
O'ahu Endemic
Kamole(Laysan Island) Endemic
Lana'i Endemic
Maui Endemic

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Gram. Panic.: 72 (1826)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:1512 (O, L, M, Ku, Mi, La); Herbst & Clayton 1998:21 (KEY)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information cultivated in garden PRESERVED_SPECIMEN d. h. lorence 10084 CM 5/7/2009
2 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Partly shaded almost precipitous rocky ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 12265 Oahu BISH 6/26/1932
3 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN collector number: s.n. Oahu US 1896-01-01
4 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 5060 Oahu PTBG 1/8/1987
5 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Dunn, L. 159 Kauai US 4/24/2003
6 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information In Mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 5485 Oahu PTBG 3/24/1987
7 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 20451 Maui PTBG 6/25/2007
8 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN O. Degener; I. Degener, W. Cadenhead 27961 SFV 5/6/1962
9 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lorence, D. H. 10084 Kauai US 5/7/2009
10 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. h. lamoureux 1912 Kure Atoll US 9/12/1961
11 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN r. hobdy, -. loope & -. medeiros 3531 Maui US 2/15/1993
12 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Forest understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john 21524 Kauai US 3/7/1946
13 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN f. j. f. meyen s.n. Oahu US
14 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Bryan, W. A. 8727 US 4/25/2011
15 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN l. m. dunn 159 Maui US 4/24/2003
16 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hobdy, R. W.; Loope, -.; Medeiros, -. 3531 Maui US 2/15/1993
17 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN william a. bryan 8728 YPM 4/30/1903
18 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Tuft by trail, upper woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 18673 Oahu BISH 2/27/1938
19 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Dunn, L. 159 Kauai BISH 4/3/2003
20 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information wet dark woods along pipeline PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 2070 m Maui BISH
21 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information moderate slope in mesic forest; Diospyros, Nestegis, Pleomele, Metrosideros, Acacia, Pouteria, Coprosma, Dodonaea, Wikstroemia, Leptecophylla, Myrsine, Santalum, Alyxia, Bidens, Microlepia, Doodia, Lantana, Erigeron, Adiantum, Diellia, Dryopteris, Asplenium, Doryopteris, Polypodium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN oppenheimer, h.l. perlman, s. collector number: h60923 Maui BISH 6/23/2009
22 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information ridge, with Carex alligata and Dryopteris PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wilder, g.p. collector number: 66 Maui BISH 8/8/1913
23 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Cultivated, botanical garden, native plants section along road. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lorence, D.H. 10084 Kauai BISH 5/7/2009
24 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Collected from a colony of about 15 plants on a ridge crest in mixed mesic forest. Associates: Diospyros, Metrosideros, Psychotria, Carex, Alyxia, Schinus, Bobea, Nestegis, Canthium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lau, J. 2014 Oahu BISH 2/17/1986
25 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On open forested rocky ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 10906 Oahu BISH 1/19/1936
26 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Steep exposed northwest facing slope with Metrosideros dieback, Schinus terebinthifolius, Pittosporum glabrum, Chamaesyce multiformis, Bidens torta, and vines of Alyxia oliviformis, Viola chamissoniana var. tracheliifolia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Welton, P. 558 Oahu BISH 7/1/1990
27 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8729 Laysan BISH 4/25/1911
28 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Ledge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 286 Molokai BISH 7/29/1927
29 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 2031 m Maui BISH 3/19/1920
30 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s.n. Laysan BISH 3/10/1905
31 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Growing in light shade on ridge crest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 5361 Oahu BISH 6/15/1975
32 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Single plant in dark gulch, in strembed; waif from heights? PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. martinez, m.; topping, d.l. collector number: 12264 Oahu BISH 4/13/1936
33 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Open forest on dry ridge by trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 21524 Oahu BISH 3/17/1946
34 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information moderate slope in mesic forest; Diospyros, Nestegis, Pleomele, Metrosideros, Acacia, Pouteria, Coprosma, Dodonaea, Wikstroemia, Leptecophylla, Myrsine, Santalum, Alyxia, Bidens, Microlepia, Doodia, Lantana, Erigeron, Adiantum, Diellia, Dryopteris, Asplenium, Doryopteris, Polypodium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H60923 Maui BISH 6/23/2009
35 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN bryan, w.a. collector number: 8728 Laysan BISH 4/1/1903
36 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information moist slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN nagata, k.m. obata, j. collector number: 1166 Oahu BISH 7/4/1973
37 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wagner, w.l. takeuchi, w.; obata, j.; r.yee collector number: 5120 Hawaii BISH 12/11/1983
38 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information garden PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lau, j. collector number: 1516.1 Oahu BISH 10/13/1985
39 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Only saw 2-3 bunches PreservedSpecimen Bryan, W.A. Collector Number: s.n. Midway Atoll BISH Specimen 8/22/1902
40 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Cultivated, botanical garden, native plants section along road. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lorence, d.h. collector number: 10084 Kauai BISH 5/7/2009
41 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Only saw 2-3 bunches PRESERVED_SPECIMEN bryan, w.a. collector number: s.n. Midway Atoll BISH 8/22/1902
42 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN obata, j.k. gagné, w.c. collector number: 631 BISH 6/19/1972
43 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Single plant in dark gulch, in strembed; waif from heights? PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 12264 Oahu BISH 4/13/1936
44 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, otto; park, kwan; potter, colin 10906 MICH 1/19/1936
45 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Cultivated. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Liloa Dunn 159 Kauai PTBG 4/3/2003
46 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Cultivated PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 10906 NY 1/19/1936
47 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Growing in rough a'a clinker in the bottom of a lava channel in scattered dry forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Bob Hobdy 3531 Maui PTBG 2/15/1993
48 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information In Diospyros-Metrosideros lowland mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 14757 Maui PTBG 4/12/1995
49 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lamoureux, C. H. 1912 Kure Atoll US 1961-00-00
50 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN e. l. caum 18 US 4/18/1923
51 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN L. M. Dunn 159 Kauai US 4/24/2003
52 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock s.n. Maui US
53 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Caum, E. L. 18 US 4/18/2023
54 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN d. h. lorence 10084 Kauai US 5/7/2009
55 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information open forest on dry ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 21524 Oahu US 3/7/1946
56 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Dunn, L. Collector Number: 159 Kauai BISH 4/3/2003
57 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 10906 Oahu BISH 1/19/1936
58 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information moderate slope in mesic forest; Diospyros, Nestegis, Pleomele, Metrosideros, Acacia, Pouteria, Coprosma, Dodonaea, Wikstroemia, Leptecophylla, Myrsine, Santalum, Alyxia, Bidens, Microlepia, Doodia, Lantana, Erigeron, Adiantum, Diellia, Dryopteris, Asplenium, Doryopteris, Polypodium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. Perlman, S. Collector Number: H60923 Maui BISH 6/23/2009
59 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Steep diverse montane mesic forest and sheer cliffs with; Remya montgomeryi, Nototrichium sp., Hedyotis ssp., Nothocestrum longifolium, Hibiscadelphus sp. nov., Phyllostegia electra, Myrsine linearifolia, Eurya sandwicensis, Melicope pallida, Exocarpos. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN nagata, k.m. obata, j. collector number: 1166 Kauai BISH 7/4/1973
60 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8729 Laysan BISH 4/25/1911
61 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K.M. Obata, J. Collector Number: 1166 Oahu BISH 7/4/1973
62 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Tall grass at edge of and near central plain PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Caum, E.L. 18 Kure Atoll BISH 4/18/1923
63 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 404 Lanai BISH 2/22/1915
64 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information 3 clumps in central plain, growing with Scaevola PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lamoureux, C.H. 1912 Kure Atoll BISH 9/12/1961
65 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Edges of cornfield. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN dunn, l. collector number: 159 Hawaii BISH 4/3/2003
66 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: s.n. Maui BISH
67 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Growing in light shade on ridge crest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. obata, j.; haas,j.; darwin, s. collector number: 5361 Oahu BISH 6/15/1975
68 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN bryan, w.a. collector number: s.n. Maui BISH 8/22/1902
69 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information In partial shade of Metrosideros, Schinus, and Bidens PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K.M. 1166 Oahu BISH 7/4/1973
70 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 286 Lanai BISH 7/29/1927
71 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wilder, G.P. 65 Oahu BISH 3/26/1905
72 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Tuft by trail, upper woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 18673 Oahu BISH 2/27/1938
73 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lamoureux, C.H. 1912 Kure Atoll BISH 9/12/1961
74 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Open forest on dry ridge by trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 21524 Oahu BISH 3/17/1946
75 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wilder, G.P. 66 BISH 3/27/1905
76 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Vegetation: mostly Eucalyptus with other alien species. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 88 Oahu BISH
77 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wagner, W.L. 5120 Oahu BISH 12/11/1983
78 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information In dry, rocky place under Lantana bushes. Very rare. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E.Y. 1730 Maui BISH 1/23/1937
79 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information In dry, rocky place under Lantana bushes. Very rare. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hosaka, e.y. collector number: 1730 Maui BISH 1/23/1937
80 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 2031 M Maui BISH 3/19/1920
81 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Herb growing on east facing slope of ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Obata, J.K. 631 Oahu BISH 6/19/1972
82 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Specimen taken from one in an aggregation of about nine clumps all within a few meters of each other, on a grassy dirt embankment very near a ridgecrest, in short-statured broken-canopied mesic forest highly native in character. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lau, J. 1516.1 Oahu BISH 10/13/1985
83 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 404 Lanai BISH 2/22/1915
84 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lamoureux, c.h. collector number: 1912 Maui BISH 9/12/1961
85 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Collected from a colony of about 15 plants on a ridge crest in mixed mesic forest. Associates: Diospyros, Metrosideros, Psychotria, Carex, Alyxia, Schinus, Bobea, Nestegis, Canthium PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lau, j. collector number: 2014 Oahu BISH 2/17/1986
86 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wilder, g.p. collector number: 65 Maui BISH 8/8/1912
87 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 2070 M Maui BISH 3/25/1920
88 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lamoureux, c.h. collector number: 1912 Kure Atoll BISH 9/12/1961
89 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Partly shaded almost precipitous rocky ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. nitta, y. collector number: 12265 Oahu BISH 6/26/1932
90 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Steep exposed northwest facing slope with Metrosideros dieback, Schinus terebinthifolius, Pittosporum glabrum, Chamaesyce multiformis, Bidens torta, and vines of Alyxia oliviformis, Viola chamissoniana var. tracheliifolia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN welton, p. heller, r. collector number: 558 Oahu BISH 7/1/1990
91 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 88 Maui BISH
92 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Tall grass at edge and near central plain PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Caum, E.L. 18 Kure Atoll BISH 4/18/1923
93 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Cultivated, botanical garden, native plants section along road. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lorence, D.H. Collector Number: 10084 Kauai BISH 5/7/2009
94 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Only saw 2-3 bunches PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Bryan, W.A. s.n. Midway Atoll BISH 8/22/1902
95 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information A single dense clump 2.5m long x 1.5m wide growing in rough a`a clinker in the bottom of a lava channel in scattered dry forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hobdy, r.w. loope, l.; medeiros, a.c. collector number: 3531 Maui BISH 2/15/1993
96 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Tall grass at edge of and near central plainb PRESERVED_SPECIMEN caum, e.l. collector number: 18 Kure Atoll BISH 4/18/1923
97 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Partial shade under bush being crowded out by exotic grasses PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. degener, i.; cadenhead, w. collector number: 27961 Oahu BISH 5/6/1962
98 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information A single dense clump 2.5m long x 1.5m wide growing in rough a`a clinker in the bottom of a lava channel in scattered dry forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hobdy, R.W. 3531 Maui BISH 2/15/1993
99 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Partial shade under bush being crowded out by exotic grasses PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 27961 Oahu BISH 5/6/1962
100 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN O Degener|Y Nitta AK 6/26/1932
101 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Tall grass at edge and near central plain PRESERVED_SPECIMEN caum, e.l. collector number: 18 Kure Atoll BISH 4/18/1923
102 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. s.n. Maui BISH
103 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K.M. 1166 Oahu BISH 7/4/1973
104 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Bryan, W.A. 8728 Laysan BISH 4/1/1903
105 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. (Coll. Delessert 1938) G 1/19/1936
106 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN O Degener|M Martinez|D L Topping AK 4/13/1936
107 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN edward l. caum 18 MICH 4/18/1923
108 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN pahole pahole s.n. #3 MO 9/15/1997
109 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On open, forested rocky ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 10906 NY 1/19/1936
110 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN franz j.f. meyen meyen s.n. MO
111 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN otto degener|park|potter|bush|topping degener 10906 MO 1/19/1936
112 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. a. bryan 8729 NY 4/25/1911
113 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN D. H. Lorence 10084 NY 5/7/2009
114 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Acacia-Metrosideros Lowland Mesic Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 2786 Oahu PTBG 9/22/1993
115 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Cultivated. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 10084 Kauai PTBG 5/7/2009
116 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 20465 Maui PTBG 6/25/2007
117 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information On open forested rocky ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. park; potter; bush; topping collector number: 10906 Oahu BISH 1/19/1936
118 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PreservedSpecimen Wilder, G.P. Collector Number: 66 BISH Specimen 3/27/1905
119 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PreservedSpecimen Bryan, W.A. Collector Number: s.n. Midway Atoll BISH Specimen 8/22/1902